


    许程,男,1981年生,江苏江都人,中共党员,工学博士,副教授,主要从事光学薄膜、纳米发电机和太阳能相关领域研究。主持国家自然科学青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类资助课题、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目、中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目等多项国家级和省部级科研项目。主持江苏省研究生教育教学改革研究与实践重点课题和校级教学改革项目3项。入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才培养对象、江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师、中国矿业大学第八批校级青年学术带头人,优秀拔尖教师海外访问研究项目,中国矿业大学“英才培育”工程,中国矿业大学启航计划等。2013年至2014年在美国佐治亚理工学院激光动力学实验室访学。2016年至2018年在美国佐治亚理工学院王中林教授课题组访学,从事纳米发电机研究。以第一作者/通讯作者在advanced materialsscience advancesadvanced functional materialsacs nano等国际知名期刊上发表论文50多篇,授权国家发明专利10多项,出版专著1部。













[1]   国家自然科学青年基金项目,氧化钽薄膜激光损伤的温度效应及机理研究(611070802012.01-2014.12

[2]   江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,高阈值氧化钽薄膜的制备与不同温度下的激光损伤研究(bk20112232011.07-2014.07

[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,“1064 nm激光辐照下ta2o5薄膜的损伤阈值研究(201104914722011.05-2013.04

[5] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(2012t50523),极端环境下高激光损伤阈值薄膜的研制2013.01-2014.12

[4] 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类资助课题,“ta2o5激光薄膜的研制及高温损伤特性探索(201100951200182012.01-2014.12

[5] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目,高温环境下抗激光损伤薄膜的研制及机理探索(2012qna032012.01-2014.12

[6] 中国矿业大学启航计划,氧化物纳米复合结构的制备及应用2009.11-2011.10

[7] 江苏省第三批江苏省高校优秀中青年教师和校长境外研修项目 2013.12-2014.11

[8] 江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师。

[9] 中国矿业大学第八批校级青年学术带头人。

[10] 江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才。


[12] 中国矿业大学基本科研业务费重大项目培育专项,2019.09-2022.08



[1]     yongqiao zhu, shiquan lin, wenchao gao, miao zhang, chaogui yang, peizhong feng, cheng xu*, zhong lin wang*, effects of oxygen vacancies and cation valence states on the triboelectric property of substoichiometric oxide films, acs appl. mater. inter. 2021, 13, 35795-35803.

[2]     yongqiao zhu, shiquan lin, wenchao gao, miao zhang, dawei li, peizhong feng, cheng xu*, zhong lin wang*, reversal of triboelectric charges on sol–gel oxide films annealed at different temperatures, appl. phys. lett. 2021, 118: 243902.

[3]     miao zhang, yongqiao zhu, dawei li, peizhong feng, cheng xu*,an innovative method for preparation of sol-gel hfo2 films with high laser-induced damage threshold after high-temperature annealing, appl. surf. sci., 2021, 554: 149615.

[4]     ding li#, cheng xu#, yanjun liao, wenzhe cai, yongqiao zhu, zhong lin wang*, interface inter-atomic electron-transition induced photon emission in contact-electrificationsci. adv., 2021; 7 : eabj0349.

[5]     pu zhang, di lin, yongqiao zhu, wenzhe cai, dawei li, cheng xu*, in-situ high temperature laser-induced damage of sol-gel ta2o5 films with different dual additives, thin solid films, 2020, 693: 137723.

[6]     wenzhe cai, yingtian yang, yongqiao zhu, dawei li, cheng xu*, preparation of high laser-induced damage threshold sol-gel nb2o5 films with different additives, optik, 2020, 206: 164306.

[7]     yongqiao zhu, ming ma, pu zhang, wenzhe cai, dawei li, cheng xu*, preparation of sol-gel zro2 films with high laser-induced damage threshold under high temperature, opt. express, 2019, 27: 37568-37578.

[8]     cheng xu, binbin zhang, aurelia chi wang, wenzhe cai, yunlong zi, peizhong feng, zhong lin wang, effects of metal work function and contact potential difference on electron thermionic emission in contact electrification, adv. funct. mater., 2019, 29: 1903142.

[9]     cheng xu, binbin zhang, aurelia chi wang, haiyang zou, guanlin liu, wenbo ding, changsheng wu, ming ma, peizhong feng, zhiqun lin, zhong lin wang, contact-electrification between two identical materials: curvature effect, acs nano, 2019,13: 2034−2041.

[10]cheng xu, aurelia chi wang, haiyang zou, binbin zhang, chunli zhang, yunlong zi, lun pan, peihong wang, peizhong feng, zhiqun lin, zhong lin wang, raising the working temperature of a triboelectric nanogenerator by quenching down electron thermionic emission in contact-electrification, adv. mater., 2018, 30: 1803968.

[11]cheng xu, yunlong zi, aurelia chi wang, haiyang zou, yejing dai, xu he, peihong wang, yi-cheng wang, peizhong feng, dawei li, zhong lin wang,on the electron-transfer mechanism in the contact-electrification effect, adv. mater., 2018, 30: 1706790.

[12]di lin, cheng xu*, ming ma, weitong shan, peizhong feng, dawei li, exploration of the key parameters in sol-gel preparation of ta2o5 films with high laser damage resistance, optoelectron. adv. mat., 2017, 11: 357-363.

[13]ming ma, cheng xu*, di lin, huanhuan sun, enzhu lin, peizhong feng, yinghuai qiang, dawei li, temperature effect on the nanosecond laser-induced damage of tio2 films with two additives, j. optoelectron. adv. m., 2017, 19: 189-196.

[14]cheng xu, dawei li, heliang fan, jianxin deng, jianwei qi, peng yi, yinghuai qiang, effects of different post-treatment methods on optical properties, absorption and nanosecond laser-induced damage threshold of ta2o5 films, thin solid films, 2015, 580: 12-20.

[15]cheng xu, dawei li, heliang fan, jianwei qi, jianxin deng, shuai yang, peng yi, yinghuai qiang, laser-induced damage of ta2o5 films obtained from tacl5 precursor and annealed at different temperatures, appl. surf. sci., 2015, 344: 137-145.

[16]cheng xu, di lin, jinan niu, yinghuai qiang, dawei li, chunxian tao, preparation of ta-doped tio2 using ta2o5 as the doping source, chin. phys. lett., 2015, 32: 088102.

[17]cheng xu, heliang fan, dawei li, jianwei qi, shuai yang, yinghuai qiang, comparative studies on the laser-induced damage of tio2 films with different additives and thickness, optik, 2015, 126: 5478-5482.

[18]cheng xu, ming ma, huanhuan sun, di lin, peizhong feng, jianwei qi, yinghuai qiang, dawei li, chunxian tao, study on the relationship between laser-induced damage threshold and microscopic properties of ta2o5 films by the combination of experiment and simulation, optoelectron. adv. mat., 2015, 9: 1337-1341.

[19]cheng xu, di lin, peizhong feng, dawei li, heliang fan, jianwei qi, jinan niu, yinghuai qiang, influencing factors in the laser-induced damage threshold of ta2o5 films prepared with different methods, j. optoelectron. adv. m., 2015, 17: 1739-1746.

[20]cheng xu, jiaojiao jia, di yang, heliang fan, yinghuai qiang, jiongtian liu, guohang hu, dawei li, nanosecond laser-induced damage at different initial temperatures of ta2o5 films prepared by dual ion beam sputtering, j. appl. phys., 2014, 116: 053102.

[21]cheng xu, peng yi, heliang fan, jianwei qi, shuai yang, yinghuai qiang, jiongtian liu, dawei li, preparation of high laser-induced damage threshold ta2o5 films, appl. surf. sci., 2014, 309: 194-199.

[22]cheng xu, peng yi, heliang fan, jianwei qi, yinghuai qiang, jiongtian liu, chunxian tao, dawei li, correlations between the oxygen deficiency and the laser damage resistance of different oxide films, appl. surf. sci., 2014, 289: 141-144.

[23]cheng xu, shuai yang, zheng wang, jianxin deng, yulong zhao, heliang fan, yinghuai qiang, dawei li, laser-induced damage threshold of tio2 films with different preparation methods and annealing temperatures, chin. phys. lett., 2014, 31: 074207.

[24]cheng xu, shuai yang, yinghuai qiang, jiongtian liu, jianyong ma, wide band polarization independent reflector based on guided mode resonance effect in three-level silicon-based element, opt. laser technol., 2013, 45: 42-45.

[25]cheng xu, shuai yang, yinghuai qiang, jiongtian liu, jianyong ma, wide band polarization independent reflector based on guided mode resonance effect in germanium grating, optik, 2013, 124: 3033-3035.

[26]cheng xu, shuai yang, shenghui zhang, jinan liu, yinghuai qiang, jiongtian liu, dawei li, temperature dependence of optical properties, chemical composition, structure and laser damage in ta2o5 films, chin. phys. b, 2012, 21: 114213.

[27]cheng xu, shuai yang, jifei wang, jinan liu, hao ma, yinghuai qiang, jiongtian liu, dawei li, chunxian tao, effect of oxygen vacancy on the band gap and nanosecond laser-induced damage threshold of ta2o5 films, chin. phys. lett., 2012, 29: 084207.

[28]cheng xu, linmin xu, yinghuai qiang, yabo zhu, jiongtian liu, jianyong ma, excellent polarization independent reflector based on guided mode resonance effect, chin. phys. b, 2011, 20: 104210.

[29]cheng xu, linmin xu, hanzhuo zhang, yinghuai qiang, yabo zhu, jiongtian liu, jianda shao, comparative studies on the laser damage resistance of ta2o5 and nb2o5 films performed under different electron beam currents, chin. phys. lett., 2011, 28: 064211.

[30]cheng xu, yulong zhao, yinghuai qiang, yabo zhu, litong guo, jianda shao, comparison of laser-induced damage in ta2o5 and nb2o5 single-layer films and high reflectors, chin. opt. lett., 2011, 9: 013102.

[31]cheng xu, yinghuai qiang, yabo zhu, tingting zhai, litong guo, yulong zhao, jianda shao, zhengxiu fan, laser-induced damage threshold at different wavelengths of ta2o5 films annealed over a wide temperature range, vacuum, 2010, 84: 1310-1314.

[32]cheng xu, yinghuai qiang, yabo zhu, litong guo, jianda shao, zhengxiu fan, laser damage mechanisms of amorphous ta2o5 films at 1064, 532 and 355 nm in 1-on-1 regime, chin. phys. lett., 2010, 27: 114205.

[33]cheng xu, yinghuai qiang, yabo zhu, jianda shao, zhengxiu fan, jinhong han, effects of deposition parameters on laser-induced damage threshold of ta2o5 films, opt. laser technol., 2010, 42: 497-502.

[34]cheng xu, hongcheng dong, lei yuan, hongbo he, jianda shao, zhengxiu fan, investigation of annealing effects on the laser-induced damage threshold of amorphous ta2o5 films, opt. laser technol., 2009, 41: 258-263.

[35]cheng xu, qiling xiao, jianyong ma, yunxia jin, jianda shao, zhengxiu fan, high temperature annealing effect on structure, optical property and laser-induced damage threshold of ta2o5 films, appl. surf. sci., 2008, 254: 6554-6559.

[36]cheng xu, jianyong ma, yunxia jin, hongbo he, jianda shao, zhengxiu fan, influence of different substrates on laser induced damage thresholds at 1064 nm of ta2o5 films, chin. phys. lett., 2008, 25: 1321-1324.

[37]cheng xu, xiao li, hongcheng dong, yunxia jin, jianda shao, zhengxiu fan, laser induced damage threshold at 355 and 1064 nm of ta2o5 films of different phases, chin. phys. lett., 2008, 25: 3300-3303.

[38]cheng xu, dawei li, jianyong ma, yunxia jin, jianda shao, zhengxiu fan, influence of sio2 additional layers on the laser induced damage threshold of ta2o5 films, opt. laser technol., 2008, 40: 545-549.

[39]cheng xu, hongcheng dong, jianyong ma, yunxia jin, jianda shao, zhengxiu fan, influences of sio2 protective layers and annealing on the laser-induced damage threshold of ta2o5 films, chin. opt. lett., 2008, 6: 228-230.

[40]cheng xu, jianke yao, jianyong ma, yunxia jin, jianda shao, laser-induced damage threshold in n-on-1 regime of ta2o5 films at 532, 800 and 1064 nm, chin. opt. lett., 2007, 12(5): 727-729.



[1]     许程,蔡文哲,杨应田,李大伟,一种具有高激光损伤阈值的耐高温氧化铌薄膜制备方法,中国发明专利,公开号:cn110330236b,专利授权号:zl201910640397.3 (授权公告日:2021.08.31)

[2]     许程,朱永巧,蔡文哲,李大伟,一种具有高激光损伤阈值的激光薄膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,公开号:cn110512180b,专利授权号:zl201910856198.6 (授权公告日:2021.04.13)

[3]     许程,杨帅,马浩,王吉飞,郭立童,张含卓,尹诗斌,李大伟,强颖怀,刘炯天,高温环境下具有高激光损伤阈值氧化钽薄膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201210084926.4公开号:cn102605333a,专利授权号:zl201210084926.4 (授权公告日:2013.11.27)

[4]     许程,杨帅,义鹏,郭立童,张含卓,尹诗斌,李大伟,强颖怀,刘炯天,高温环境下激光辐照光学薄膜损伤阈值测量装置和方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201210079348.5公开号:cn102608019a

[5]     许程,杨帅,义鹏,郭立童,张含卓,尹诗斌,李大伟,强颖怀,刘炯天,高温环境下激光辐照光学薄膜损伤阈值测量装置,实用新型专利,申请号:201220113289.4公开号:cn202502035u,专利授权号:zl201220113289.4(授权公告日:2012.10.24)

[6]     许程,强颖怀,刘炯天,太阳能电池光阳极用二氧化钛基纳米晶的低温合成方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201110178007.9。公开号:cn102275985a,专利授权号:zl201110178007.9授权公告日:2013.7.3)

[7]     许程,强颖怀,钟耀东,李玲玲,韩慧,陈众,刘炯天,低温两步法制备复合锐钛矿型二氧化钛可见光催化剂,中国发明专利,申请号:201110282801.8,公开号:cn102500426a,专利授权号:zl201110282801.8(授权公告日:2013.8.21)

[8]     许程,强颖怀,朱亚波,张生辉,钟耀东,许林敏,刘炯天,微波辅助反应增压法低温制备掺杂型晶态二氧化钛光电极,中国发明专利,申请号:201110282777.8。公开号:cn102354605a,专利授权号:zl20111028277.8(授权公告日:2013.4.3)








